~ Featured Images ~ 100 images from the Sakse archive Kachin Widow Refugeelonging for girlfriendYouth Hpum Lum Yang CampHpare mountian IDP CampKachin IDU’sAK-47 with tommy gun clipMy old homeBurnt house in NamSangYangIllegal Gold MiningJade MiningIDPs prayingLogging with elephantChina’s BorderMung Lai Hkyet campGai Daw campJe Yang IDP campBurnt frontlinesManauFisherman on the Je Yang RiverMuse Anti-Coup ProtestMuse Anti-Coup ProtestMuse Anti-Coup ProtestMuse Anti-Coup ProtestMuse Anti-Coup ProtestIDP LivelihoodAsylum Seeker in Tokyo, JapanIDP LivelihoodLaiza Baptist church’s jubileelonging 2Kachin adolescenceKachin adolescenceKachin adolescenceKachin adolescenceFree Burma Ranger’s FuneralPa Kahtawng IDP CampAnti-Coup Youth ProtestAll night guard by the fire3rd BrigadeGeneral Sumlut Gun MawGen Gam Shawng prayersGeneral Gam ShawngBurmese Landmine VictimBurmese Landmine VictimBurmese Landmine VictimBurmese Landmine VictimBurmese Landmine VictimKachin High MountainsHpare mountain IDP campCDM Protest – MuseCDM Protest – MuseCDM Protest – MuseBig Brother BorderThanksgiving at an IDP campChina’s BorderWild deer & large gameChiang Mai Coup ProtestJe Yang River BaptismYouth Karate clubRazed villageHkapant Jade MinesFront lines of the warHpare IDP CampJe Yang camp at nightNam San Yang villageElderly IDP women Je YangIDP boys evening swimFree Health Care in LaizaAung La NsangSeng Mai Manau Women3 Kachin Parties UniteIDP Camp ResidentsIDP ChildFrontlineHpare IDP CampWomen KIAChinese teak dealersMyusha Jawng SchoolNo Myitsone Dam ProtestJade MinersJade MinersPoppy FarmerDestroying OpiumMali Hka River bankRefugee Karate ClubIDP’s on the runPeace Vigil in LaizaJade MiningFront-line sunset chitloneEAO ConferenceJe Yang campOfficer Cadet GraduationKIA CemeteryJe Yang RiverJe Yang campBurned civilian villageFirst week of fightingPatrol