These images are a snapshot of the Sino-KIO border today.
The border between China and the KIO control area was easily crossable until 2019
for up to one week with the temporary border passbook.
Around 100,000 Kachin IDPs ( Internally Displaced Peoples ), who have fled the civil
war areas, live on this China-KIO border.
Most of the Kachin IDPs were used to regularly crossing to China for their families
livelihood, as laborers, farmers or small traders.
China has recently restricted the border security highly on the China side under the
pretext of the coronavirus pandemic.
They are setting up CCTVs and the metal & cement reinforced concertina wire fences
along the KIO border on the Chinese side. Many difficulties arose for Kachin IDPs who are
dependent on open borders for their economic livelihood.
After the Burmese military coup in February 2021, the Chinese government has
pressured the KIA not to fight with the Burmese army.
Right now the fighting between the KIA and the Burmese army has intensified near
the border and the Chinese government places an embargo on all the food items
being sent to the KIO border gate at Laiza, the KIO/KIA headquarters capital city.
At the same time, Chinese health volunteers are also providing Covid-19 vaccines to
Kachin refugees along the KIA border.